If I want to go farther

If I want to go farther… I enjoy cycling and often think it would be really cool to do a race. I guess you could say it’s on my bucket list. Accomplishing a significant distance on my bike would require some effort. I really like the idea of the whole thing, just not sure I want to commit to the effort and sacrifice that it may entail. As I was riding the other day and desiring to get stronger and go farther, I realized, if I want to go farther, I have to want to go farther.

I asked myself, “what do I need to go farther?” I think a lot about my spiritual life and my relationship with God while riding my bike. It seems to parallel. I was reminded of something the Lord shared with me a few years ago, so I searched my journals and would like to share it with you:

Determination and perseverance are essential to the journey. Determination is a mindset which focuses us on the goal. Perseverance is carrying out that determination on the walk the Lord has laid before us. These two attributes are necessary in order to overcome the challenges and obstacles that we face. Challenges and obstacles are things we will always face. How do I face them? Alone or with Jesus? If I seek Him in these situations, the Lord is there to walk with me; all I have to do is call on Him.

I have this deep desire to go farther with Jesus, but it won’t just happen because I desire it, well it might, because the Lord can give us our heart’s desires – He already knows them. But in relationship, it usually takes more than just a desire to affect change. So what does determination and perseverance look like in my daily walk? I think I may have made it harder than it needs to be. Spiritual disciplines (morning prayer, praise, study, sacrifice, works, etc) are good and they look different for each of us, but these things are carried out for a specific moment and duration and then they end until the next time we do them.

I want to go farther with Jesus. I really, really do. My desire is to think of Him and be with Him throughout my day, in every aspect of my day, in every circumstance, in every conversation, in every moment. I don’t want Him to be a thought in the morning and an after thought as I stumble into bed, that would make Him bookends. And of course I need Him to hold me up, but I want more! I want him to be the books in between, the chapters, the pages, the words. Wanting more of Him all the day long takes crazy determination for in the midst of my hectic days when my thoughts are consumed with “what’s next and now I can cross that off the list,” I find that many days Jesus doesn’t make the list. But the Lord gently reminds me that He’s there waiting for us to go farther together. Does it take effort? Yes! Is it worth it? Yes!

Pedaling consistently keeps the momentum. I tell myself that as I’m riding the hills of north Georgia. As long as I can keep moving I am gaining distance, no matter how slow it feels. I am determined to conquer the hills. Perseverance is carrying out that determination and over time distance really is travelled. As I pedal in my spiritual life, I want to put forth whatever effort and sacrifice it takes to go farther with Jesus. I want to pedal with purpose and one day not only conquer the hills, but finish the race. To God be the glory.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Tim 4:7)

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