Desert Journey – Day 14

I overslept this morning. Time seems to be my manager. It is not like that in the desert. Time is not of essence, presence is.

Jesus and I are at the well. After drinking some water, we sit down. The sun is beating down, however, in some way it feels good. In the desert, there is no clock to observe, no time table dictating what comes next. Jesus is present to me, as he always is, and I to him.

At the well, I feel satisfied and filled. But it seems like the further I get from the well the thirstier I become. I have not figured out how to stay hydrated in the world. It’s demands are great and many times I am left depleted. Maybe depletion is a reminder that I cannot stay away from the well for too long and that doing it on my own leads to dehydration. I will ponder.

We still have a ways to go in this Lenten season, but images of what Jesus endured on the way to Calvary flash through my mind. The world was most cruel to Jesus. He truly endured the unthinkable for me.

A little thirst never killed anyone. Jesus cried out, “I thirst.” Maybe I am to remember to do the same. Jesus offers me more water. It is refreshing. The demands of life and the pressure of time seem insignificant. I exhale and absorb his presence.


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