Church, What Will They Say?

Church, what will they say when this passes?  What will they recall from this season? When this is behind them, will you be a part of their memory? Will they look back on this time and remember you with fondness?

Church, did they know to find shelter with you when the predictable became unpredictable? When the constants and the knowns in their lives eroded, did you come to mind? Did they seek you when chaos and confusion filled the air?  When fear and anxiety arose like waves in a stormy sea, were you their anchor?

Church, were you there to listen and to soothe? Did they turn to you for comfort and for counsel? Were you their place of hope in the midst of discouragement? And did you share the faith that roots each of us in Love?

Church, did they hear Jesus in your voice? And did they see Jesus in your ways? Did they experience the gentleness of Jesus through you? And Church, did they leave changed as a result of you, because you led them to encounter the Risen Jesus of yesterday, today and tomorrow?

Church, what will they say?

Thank you Laura for bringing forth what lies deep within.

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