Silent Saturday Welcomes Hope

The winds have blown fiercely for two days in the mountains. This morning I am greeted by a silent Saturday. Everything is still. It seems appropriate to wake up to stillness the day after Good Friday. 

Stillness seems to encourage a contemplative spirit. My thoughts wander to Jesus lying lifeless in the tomb, his disciples exhausted and wrought with emotions, Mary, the mother of Jesus, heartbroken. They must have all awakened the day after the crucifixion, distraught and disoriented. What do you do when what you hoped for slips away?

Disappointment, confusion and sorrow, have the potential to lure us into the tomb. The one thing that keep us from crossing the threshold into darkness on silent Saturday, is hope. 

Hope that silence is broken

Hope that sadness is comforted

Hope that confusion meets clarity

Hope that change is forthcoming

Hope that circumstances improve 

Hope that newness emerges

Hope that strength is renewed

Hope that minds are mended

Hope that hearts are restored

Hope does not disappoint

As I wait for Easter Sunday, one that will look very different from years past, I am staring at the entrance to the tomb where Jesus was laid to rest (Sitting in the Tomb). On this Holy Saturday, I am reminded that out of the rock hewn tomb, silence was broken, newness emerged and hearts restored, because hope did not disappoint. Hope breathed anew after days of stillness and crossed the threshold from darkness to light. 

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