Seeking Holiness – Embracing Discomfort

Annoyed, bothered, agitated and perturbed, are all words that express discomfort and generate a myriad of feelings when challenges appear and plans we have are derailed. Saint Paul refers to this as the famous thorn in his side. “Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh…” (2 Corinthians 12:7). Limitations prompt humility. Embracing our discomfort, welcomes purification as we seek for holiness. 

Scripture tells us: “we are a chosen people,” “to be sanctified in Christ,” “beloved of God, called to be saints,” not only called, but urged “to be holy for I am holy.” Remembering my call to holiness helps me to recognize discomfort as a purifying agent.

When I was growing up, my brother began the hobby of collecting aquariums. Every year they seemed to get bigger and bigger until we had a 55 gallon tank in our home. Watching the fish do their thing was mesmerizing. However, cleaning and maintaining a thriving aquatic environment was of little interest. That was the dirty work. Years ago, before we adopted our dog, my husband bought the kids a fish tank thinking it would suffice. Well, the fish didn’t quite thrive and the dog joined the family. I didn’t care much for the dirty work.

Purifying Agent

Keeping a fish tank crystal clear often needs some extra attention. A purifying agent is added to help clear the turbidity, the cloudiness and haziness that forms in the tank. I had to look up turbidity, a new word for me. No coincidence in learning this new word as God highlights some of my own interior cloudiness.

Discomfort is a purifying agent of the soul. There are many purifying agents for sure, but for now I am digging into this particular aspect of purification. Oh the list of things that cause me discomfort, from challenging relationships to ministry work, from aggravating chores to bristling conversations. I could probably generate a pretty long list. So what do I do when discomfort appears? I look for ways to avoid it. Not exactly the best approach if I truly understand the purpose of this on the soul.

The Gift of the Thorn

We are all given “the gift of a thorn” to remind us that limitations increase humility and that our soul needs purifying agents. God wants to clean away the cloudiness that accumulates and resides deep within. Embracing the discomfort, seeing it as a purifier and asking the Lord, what do you want for me in this (as my spiritual director frequently reminds me), is a gift of grace, infused into our soul to grow in holiness. So, I thank you Lord for the gift of discomfort. Do your purifying work in me.

For it is written, be holy for I am holy

1 Peter 1:16


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