Desert Journey – Day 26

Rarely do I do this, over sleep. I double checked my alarm clock last night and made sure the time was properly set and yet somehow, in my deep slumber, I turned it off this morning. There is that initial feeling of terror as you wonder how you will recover and catch up on the last hour you just slept through. Then I remembered to breathe.

Funny, yesterday’s post was all about time. The Lord sure has a sense of humor. No better way to practice releasing my grip on time than to lose control of how my day starts. Here’s to a new day.

Jesus and I get up from the sand. I smile at him and he smiles back. There is understanding in the exchange. We have explored so many lessons in the past few weeks, for which I am truly grateful. I did not realize how many topics we had needed to discuss, and we still have a couple more weeks to go on this desert journey. Silly me.

We walk together. I am feeling energetic. It must be the extra hour of sleep I received. I’ll take it. It is a lot less stressful when time does not own you. It really can be stronghold; that’s just my experience. I am thankful for the awareness as I’m sure my grip on time will tighten again and I will have to be intentional about releasing it.

Our walk is peaceful. His presence never waivers. I feel present to Jesus. A different, more pronounced feeling of my presence to him. Thank you, Lord.

“The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’” Exodus 33:14 

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