Desert Journey – Day 20

Every morning does not provide an ease to enter the desert. There are distractions and wandering thoughts that seem to be present. So I breathe, breathe in the Lord’s peace, exhale my occupying thoughts. With that calming, I notice the birds singing outside. My perspective is changed.

Funny how the obvious can be missed by self focus. There is a choir of birds outside my window. Absorbed and distracted by my thoughts, I fear I may often miss what’s in front of me. It is easy to do, miss the obvious.

Jesus and I get up from the sand and begin walking. There is a change in grade. We begin to climb. I ponder yesterday’s time with Jesus and endurance. We walk in silence. I do not feel the need to always be conversing when we are together. Presence seems out weigh conversation at this moment.

When we arrive at the top of this climb, the view is significant. Nothing interferes with the vista. I give new perspective, Jesus says. I take in his words. They always have profound impact. Sometimes you have to get off the desert floor to experience a different view.

I am pondering the “desert floors” on which I stand. Have I lost perspective? Do I need to change the angle so I can see something new? Have I chosen a bit of self-pity and intentionally kept myself on the “desert floor?” The view he provides is so much better than mine. Lord, help me to see…

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