About Me

Hi, I’m Leslie

I tend to call myself a part-time contemplative. I love silence and yes I’m an introvert, but a social one for a little while. I love the outdoors, especially the mountains. Being in the woods is home for my soul.

My parents introduced me to God in my early childhood. Thank you mom and dad. My relationship with God has ebbed and flowed and changed over the years. It has been a journey, and generally, I have no idea where I am going, but that’s ok, God does. Honestly, I don’t think I am suppose to know. It’s certainly much easier to be led than to forge the path.

I am married to my best friend, the Strongman. We met in graduate school and before our last semester, we were married. I call him the Strongman because he loves working out. I, on the other hand, exercise because it’s suppose to be good for me, like vitamins and vegetables. We have 3 children, flown from the nest and a stone’s throw away from being off the payroll, we hope! Somehow, they turned out delightful; it is still a mystery.

The Journey

Journeys tend to be long and they take us in unexpected directions. I feel like my faith life has been just that, taking me places I never imagined. Sometimes, the walk is clear and I can see the way I am heading. At times, the journey twists and turns and I can’t make out what’s around the bend. And then there are the straight up hill climbs, which are just hard. Regardless of the circumstances, I don’t journey alone, none of us do. We journey with the beautiful companions God sends our way.

This blog is about my heart, my challenges, my joys and my search to know and love God and my neighbor. It is a journey about the everyday and the divine, because we can’t get through each day without the two colliding. Each morning I stumble out of bed, brew the coffee and settle into my chair where God and I share. I listen. Sometimes it’s quiet and I wait. We chat, and now I write.

May the words on this blog touch your heart and deepen your love for God.

There is meaning in every journey that is unknown to the traveler.

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer